Friday, March 13, 2015

The TODAY Show and Pi Day

Well...'TODAY' ...has been 

absolutely  a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!

The Margarita Key Lime Pie that I shared here on the blog yesterday
  did make it onto the TODAY Show!!

How exciting... really and truly.

The producer emailed me right after it aired to let me know she featured the pie on the show and how much the anchors loved it... such a sweet email... I was just overjoyed.

I had hoped the anchors would love it... but... you just never know...
...and so, to see them enjoying it and hear them giving the pie such really lovely compliments... 

It was really was. Wow.

Can someone please pinch me... Is this really happening??
As I stood there in our family room...hanging on every word...
"Oh, please let this be a good thing"... 

And it was.

It turned out just as I had hoped it would...

 ...What a relief.

While this wasn't a pie competition, so to speak... felt very much like it does in a competition...

I am always so hopeful...
but there is always that chance that things wont go according to plan...

...and so...

you wait...

and watch...

and wait some more....

...and with any luck... it all has a very happy ending.
And for those times when it doesn't go as planned...

I always learn a valuable lesson and grow...
which is how we all get better at whatever it is that we do,
each and every day... went as planned.  Yay.
TODAY   |  March 13, 2015

Make Margarita key lime pie, breakfast burrito pie

In honor of Pi Day, which is observed on March 14, TODAY viewers send the anchors their best pie recipes, including a Margarita key lime pie, and a breakfast burrito pie.

  • 1 cup finely crushed graham crackers
  • ½ cup finely crushed salted-pretzels
  • 2 Tbsp granulated sugar
  • 6 Tbsp melted unsalted butter
  • 1 8-ounce brick of softened cream cheese
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • ¾ cup key lime juice
  • 1 14-ounce can of sweetened condensed milk

Here is the link to the TODAY show segment:
And honestly, as thrilling as it was to see my "pie-selfie" (that I very much did not want to take) on the TODAY show and to hear such kind words form the TODAY show hosts... I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and friendship....all. day. long... 

The phone was ringing...neighbors calling, Facebook was hopping... it was so absolutely wonderful to receive such happy congratulations from so many, dear sweet friends.  I think the best part of today was sharing the excitement together.
Thank you, thank you so much for sharing this exciting day with me.

Here is a link to the Margarita Key Lime Recipe Post  from yesterday. 
The recipe on the blog is quite a bit more comprehensive and includes tips and tricks.  

And in honor of Pi Day (tomorrow)...I am including a few of my very favorite pie photos below.  Some of the recipes are on the blog and some are still yet to come...

Thank you again for today... It was a Pi Day I will never forget!!

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